The 1-2 Saskatchewan Roughriders held Day 2 of their practice week on Wednesday as they prepare to host the 1-3 Toronto Argonauts on Saturday at Mosaic Stadium (8:00 pm, TSN, CKRM Rider Radio Network).  The team rotated through running backs Anthony Allen, Will Ford and Jerome Messam on Wednesday while first year back Keith Toston ran with the scout team.

Toston (pronounced TOAST-In) was arguably the Riders’ most productive running back in the preseason but hasn’t had a chance to play in the regular season.  He was asked how the running back “carousel” affects the team.

“It don’t affect a whole lot,” Toston explained.  “Most of the guys are like brothers when it comes to the running back group so we just try to stick together.  Whoever gets the reps, we just try to cheer that guy on.  We all go through the same amount of sweat and same amount of pain to be in this position to try to play.  We won’t have a rivalry against a teammate.”

The Oklahoma State product was asked his thoughts on the team’s starting running backs being benched, or cut, after fumbling the ball away.

“That’s a tough deal,” Toston admitted.  “I’ve disagreed with that since I got into professional football.  But that’s the nature of the business – you can’t turn the ball over.  That’s understandable.  You train so hard, and by just one mess up, you could be over there watching the game.  But I can see both sides of it.”

I told Allen I was impressed that he came back after the bye week since he hasn’t had the opportunity yet to show what he can do.  He had considered leaving in the past, but has decided to keep his dream alive and didn’t consider staying in the U.S. last week.

“No,” Toston revealed.  “I feel like my coaches and teammates see me practice hard every time we’re out here so I feel like I should be here and I still am here.  I’m just waiting for my chance, that’s it.  When I get my chance, I’ll make the best of it.”

Toston stood in the media scrum and handled the pointed questions with class.  Rider Radio analyst Carm Carteri asked Keith how it felt to see veterans Hugh Charles and Jerome Messam come in and be placed on the roster immediately while he sits in the shadows.

“That’s tough,” Toston continued.  “But I understand our number one thing here is to try to win a game.  I respect it and I’ll just keep pushing to get an opportunity.”

The Riders aren’t tipping their hand as to who will start in the backfield on Saturday.  Head coach Corey Chamblin says their evaluations continue ahead of the game.

“I think every back that was out there got a touch today,” Chamblin said after the workout.  “As we go down the stretch we have to make sure that more than one guy can play.  I really can’t tell you who’ll start and that’s an honest opinion.  Those guys are doing a good job rotating through and it depends on how we end up liking our packages and different things.”

Meanwhile slotback Chris Getzlaf missed the practice as he continues to recover from a lower body injury.  His status for Saturday’s game is uncertain.

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10 years ago

Starting to get a good feeling this week, hope things begin to take shape for this team.

10 years ago

If Toston doesn't get to play ahead of Allen there has to be some serious questions asked of the coaches. This BS of coaches decision just does not cut it. How many times over the years have we seen the coaches totally blow it with players – alot.

Just look at the disaster with Charles. – that was a joke and oh yes "Coaches Decision"

10 years ago

Kudos to Toston for maintaining a positive attitude. That's got to be difficult.

I hope we do see him dress Saturday and get some carries. He deserves a shot. You would think this offence could be effective with a 2 back set. More running options, given the receiving corps hasn't been very effective lately. Play to our strengths.


10 years ago

Mike Keenan or I mean Corey Chamblin is starting to remind me of the Seinfeld episode about the "Soup Nazi"


John Meissner
10 years ago

….This BS of coaches decision just does not cut it….

Then who is supposed to make the decision and what are they supposed to decide?

10 years ago

Coaches only have to be honest with the players to keep the respect of the locker room, not the media or fans. The coaches decision will stay between the coaches and Toston, unless Toston decides to reveal it.

10 years ago

Roddy's "I know but I'm not telling you" approach on the Sportscage regarding the Riders RB situation is super annoying….just sayin'.

If you can't say anything, then don't. Don't pull the 'I know something you don't know' routine.


10 years ago

We pay both coachs and announcers saleries – yes we do

ARROGANCE will get both fired and there seems to be alot going around

10 years ago

Isn't it funny how a Grey Cup ring changes personalities.

10 years ago

This Toston thing makes me think of Danny Barrett and Nealon Greene. Where is Danny now?

10 years ago

Coaches make decisions … get used to it. It's their job to produce results and not reveal every minutiae of managing a group of 20 something testosterone laden young men. If we knew all the reality would ruin image.

10 years ago

Coaches and announcers pay the salaries of all anons … in fact everyone pays everyone's salary one way or another. (Hey … I just defended civil servants)

10 years ago

The article states that Anthony Allen, Will Ford and Jerome Messam all received reps with the offense and Keith Toston was on the scout team. Then in the Chamblin quote he insinuates that everyone got to touch the ball. You're twisting words around there Corey.

10 years ago

It's no mystery to who will start at running back, here's the low down. Import Will Ford will start, Canadian Jerome Messam at fullback with a sprinkle of Anthony Allan. I just happened to be flying over Taylor field in my jumbo jet and saw the practice action. Unfortunately Keith Toston still biding his time on the sidelines, hope he sticks it out and gets his opportunity real soon.

Astin Powers

Gary from Yorkton
Gary from Yorkton
10 years ago

I agree about Rods comment that he knows something but can't say. No shit you know why but don't tell us it's not because of attitude or off-field stuff right after you tell us you can't say. It's extremely strange and doesn't make any sense. Only thing I can think of is they like his ability and talent but is just taking a longer time to learn the offense and the Canadian game.

10 years ago

Greg Marshall thought he was God too.

10 years ago

Whether or not Rod has any insider knowledge, how long do you think that would last if every time he overheard a rumour/confidence he blabbed it out?
Don't be so stupid! He can know, and maybe even insinuate something without actually betraying a confidence. Takes a certain level of integrity, which is his strong suit.

10 years ago

WoW – we win the CUP in 2013 and I can hear (read) the axes being sharpened. Relax folks….. you have nothing better to do than criticize the entire Rider organization for their decisions ? Shameful… I would really like to know how you earn your living ? I will be polite ->>>> "get a life and find another forum in which to spew your waste" You are not fans, but something further down the scale….

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

WoW, someone spewing anonymous wasteful scaley words.

Al Nonymous

10 years ago

Sports has a 'what have you done for me lately' mentality and just because the stars aligned last year doesn't mean a thing today.

10 years ago

The most popular sport in Saskatchewan is micromanaging mixed in with an unhealthy dose of entitlement as in I pay your wages. Sadly this does not only apply to sports.