(Listen daily for the Rod Pedersen Commentary on Cat Country 98 & Rock 98.5 FM)
It’s Tuesday and that means another edition of The Good, The Great & The Ugly!
First, the Good: It’s good that Cody Fajardo has his head on straight and is enjoying the Holidays at his home in Reno, Nevada. He joined our TV show Monday to recap the Rider season and look ahead.
The Roughriders quarterback – who’s headed to free agency this February unless Sask brings him back – said he hasn’t heard from the team since the end of the season. Clearly the Riders have their hands full trying to hire coaches, which we’ll get into below.
But Cody will be fine no matter what because he’s a good person and a great player. He thanked me on Monday’s RP Show for always having his back through his struggles.
That one was easy; I know what it’s like for people not to have mine and it doesn’t feel very good.
Cody deserves better than what he’s gotten, and doesn’t deserve to feel that way.
Next, the Great: We mentioned on Monday’s commentary that NHL hockey is in great shape and Monday’s games did not let us down.
Now the hype is real for tonight’s Florida-at-Winnipeg game; also known as The Return of Paul Maurice.
When you’re excited for a game as soon as your feet hit the floor in the morning, that’s a feeling you can’t buy.
And that’s great.
And lastly, the Ugly: I’ve seen people say it’s becoming comical that a half a dozen CFL coaches have turned down the Riders in their efforts to hire an offensive coordinator.
Really? I fail to see any humour in it at all.
And if you truly love the Riders, you’d think some people would start asking some questions as to how this team could be allowed to slide so far.
Or don’t. Perhaps they think the problem will fix itself.
That’s today’s Rod Pedersen Commentary
(The Rod Pedersen Show airs daily on Game+ TV, YouTube Live and WQEE)
Rod, where do you feel the problem lies with the Riders? To me it seems like it is at the very top. The BOG and Reynolds should never have brought back JO or CD. Take the admin cap hit and start the rebuild. Now , it seems we are a very undesirable destination for coaches and soon ….free agents.
That’s their problem to figure out.
What I truly appreciate about this blog is the combination of sports commentary with the mix of life lessons. It comes from maturity and perspectives I have learned and would pass this to a young guy like Cody is there is a huge blessing in hard times. When the tribulations happen take a long look at who has your back; most importantly who does not. The hard times never last. When the comeback happens and we get to the other side we do the inventory and simply ask, “who stood by” If people abandoned that is great news. Now you… Read more »
The problem will NOT fix itself. The Riders are rudderless at the moment. No coach wants to jump into a sinking ship!
The problem is,” the ones who have been left to figure out this mess are the problem”.
“Ryder” hit the nail right on the head!! The problem starts at the very top for not waking up and seeing this hot mess of an organization right now. The 2023 season is a write off before it even begins in my opinion. Last in the west is my prediction and it really should be expected that no one wants anything to do with an offensive coordinator job working for this team. No prized free agents will be coming up next but money does talk.
Right on! But if money talks, Duke never spoke much.