(Listen daily for the Rod Pedersen Commentary on Cat Country 98 & Rock 98.5 FM)

It’s with great interest that I’ve watched what’s unfolded with the NFL’s Indianapolis Colts this year, and how it relates to the current landscape of the sports & media business.

For those not aware, the failing Colts torched their quarterback, his position coach, then the head coach, and named franchise great Jeff Saturday – the offensive lineman-turned-TV-analyst – as the new head coach.

Saturday had never coached a down of football in his life, and seemed happy to be breaking down games on ESPN.

Then he got a call from Colts owner Jim Irsay, and happily took the job.

On cue, the firestorm started from those both inside and out of the NFL, saying Saturday was unqualified.

Legendary NFL coaches Jimmy Johnson and Bill Cowher have gone on record as saying the hiring of Saturday is a slap in the face to every coach, and all those who’ve spent decades paying their dues and working their way up the ladder.

Uh … welcome to 2022 boys.

It’s happening all over the place.

As we’ve related countless times on this commentary, the sports and broadcasting business really aren’t that different.

People are hired to be fired, and the pressure is always there. That saying of, “When the lights come on …” is relatable to both on the field, and on the set.

And like Saturday, there are people being thrust into roles they’re not prepared for and didn’t earn. The results speak for themselves; on the scoreboard and in the ratings.

But it’s not their fault.

It’s on the people in charge, who seem to be more interested in making a statement than winning.

The Colts lost again last night, 24-17 to the Steelers on Monday Night Football, and this isn’t going to end well for Jeff. But again, it’s not on Saturday.


He never should’ve been put in that spot to begin with.


That’s today’s Rod Pedersen Commentary

(The Rod Pedersen Show airs daily at 12 pm ET on Game+ TV, WQEE Radio and YouTube Live)

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Hunter Bibb
Hunter Bibb
1 year ago

That’s what happens when sauces make football operations decisions. He should just sit in his owners box or office and keep tossing em back.

Carl Hungus
Carl Hungus
1 year ago
Reply to  Hunter Bibb

Jeff Saturday is basically doing as well as Josh McDaniels who has 6 Super Bowls as an Assistant Coach and is on job #2 as a Head Coach.

What exactly is the prerequiste? I watched Pinball Clemons step onto a sideline in 2004 and lead a team to a Grey Cup. I literally just watched the guy step into a CEO chair and win another won.

So he must have figured something out these “lifers” can’t seem to comprehend.

1 year ago

When opportuntiy knocks you take it. Period. This is where the world is different. The movie Rocky is based on Stallone’s version of the Chuck Weppner vs Ali fight. We all know the feels good movie. The reality is Ali got his title back and as a literal joke they billed a tune up fight as Give the White Guy a Break. Now see if that would carry to today? Chuck Weppner had no business carrying Ali’s bags let alone stepping into the ring with him. 15 rounds later and a broken jaw Weppner “lost”. The point I am making to… Read more »

1 year ago

Until last night, I didn’t realize what happened with their offensive coaches in the fallout from the firings.

After Marcus Brady was fired, they promoted Parks Frazier to offensive coordinator. What job did Parks Frazier have before that? He was the Assistant Quarterbacks Coach. Meaning he was below on the totem pole under their QB coach, yes, one Scott Milanovich.

In other words, they punted Marcus Brady and held Scott Milanovich in place in favor of a wunderkind, who performed such miracles last night as 71 total yards of offense.

Maybe some karma at work……