REGINA, Sask. – The University of Regina announced Friday the results of a comprehensive examination of the community partnership between the University and the University of Regina Rams conducted by an external three-person panel in April.

The theme of the examination revolved around reinforcing the beneficial partnership between the University and the Rams. Varsity football at the University would not be possible without the financial commitment of the Rams’ Board of Directors and the program’s supporters, and the Rams could not operate at the highest level of amateur football in Canada without being associated with the University.

A “one team” approach was suggested to help strengthen the partnership, in which both parties continue to understand and appreciate their mutual interdependence with the football club becoming even more integrated within the institution and the athletic department. The “one team” approach includes a singular culture that defines accepted norms for all varsity teams – including the Rams – and involves leadership pooling resources and building synergies with all U of R coaches working together to continue to achieve excellence.

“Reviews are a normal function in the University context, and the process affords a positive opportunity to sit back and reflect on what we’ve learned from the first 15 years of this relationship,” Faculty of Kinesiology & Health Studies dean Harold Riemer said. “The goal of any review is to address future direction, and the ‘one team’ approach outlines how best to move forward to help make this outstanding partnership even stronger.”

The panel consisted of Clint Hamilton, Jim Hopson, and Dr. Jim Weese. Hamilton is the director of athletics at the University of Victoria, while Hopson is the president and CEO of the Saskatchewan Roughriders Football Club and Weese is the Faculty of Health Sciences dean at Western University.

“The review has given us great feedback from a variety of interested stakeholders that reinforces the strengths of our current processes and systems,” Rams president Dean Picton said. “Even more importantly, the review has also provided some areas of focus for us to elevate our standards and pursue excellence for our student-athletes and our football club both in the classroom and on the field. We look forward to strengthening our already strong partnership with the University of Regina and creating a ‘one team’ approach.”

To help guide both groups to adopting the “one team” approach, a total of 21 recommendations were made. The recommendations were made in five distinct categories including academic performance, athletic performance, governance, synergy, and culture.

The recommendations include broadening the academic support provided to the Rams by the University, expanding both the roster size and the geographic focus of player recruitment, inclusion of University representatives on the Rams’ Board of Directors, sustainment of the Rams nickname with the University’s brand consistently included on promotional materials, and an organizational culture consistent with the “one team” approach.

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10 years ago

University football is a great organization; so successful in the US, although yet to fully take off in Canada, a bright future none the less. It would be great to see larger crowds out for the Rams games and a real culture, similar to the following of the Riders, to develop in Regina. Personally, I remember going to the Rams games when I was young, then a Jr Club but still a great fan following; yet it seems strange that now that the quality is that much better as a University program, that the attendance does not reflect that. The… Read more »

10 years ago

I wonder if Frank had a heart attack knowing that he won’t have the complete board by the balls after reading the recommendation that the University have some representation on the Rams board.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

he will resign rather than be told what to do what to do

10 years ago

First thing the U of R football should do is start playing the games on campus. The need a few thousand seats to start and build from there.There are 1000's of students that live in that area in cluding on campus. The need to try to create an atmosphere for people to attend. Make it fun and students will attend. Saturday afteernoon games with tailgating. Give it a try

10 years ago

And that is why they have never got very far

10 years ago

Frank has always been a person to do what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants, without ANY person (especially the U of R) telling him what to do. Knowing he will have to obey other important people in the University/Rams Organization, its plain to see he had to get out before they kick him out. This way, he will not loose out on potential future income. Not leaving, he will have to be accountable to key holders in the team and he doesn't like that. With his departure, The Rams will be a big contender in University… Read more »

10 years ago

Most of these comments are ridiculous and the majority of you are showing your true rookie knowledge of the history of the Regina Rams, stemming from the very roots of the Prairie Junior Football League where coach McCrystal dominated the league. I assure you coaching at a University level brings to the table many dynamics in this arena, let me mention a few. Coach,Leader,Mentor, Tutor,Father, Husband, Friend, volunteer, referee, winner, loser and employee. I know at times Frank has worn most of these hats and he certainly has been accountable for his performance over the past several years to the… Read more »