Bernie Eiswirth, general manager of the Regina Red Sox officially announced that Jason Veyna will be the ball club’s head coach in 2019.

Last season Veyna served as an assistant coach under Mitch MacDonald, who will remain with the organization as a player personnel assistant.  MacDonald stepped down as head coach to dedicate more time with his family.

“We are excited to have Jason as our head coach,” said Eiswirth. “His playing experience, coaching background and overall knowledge of the organization made him the logical choice to replace Mitch.”

Geoff MacDonald will continue his role as an assistant coach and Rye Pothakos has been retained as director of player personnel. Pothakos will be responsible for recruiting new players with Mitch MacDonald focusing on returning players and local players in college.

“It was important to have both Geoff and Rye return to the team as they were key components of our playoff success last season,” said Eiswirth. “We also want to thank Mitch for his contributions to the team as head coach and look forward to using his expertise to recruit local baseball players to the Red Sox.”

(Outlaw Communications/Tony Playter)