(Listen daily for the Rod Pedersen Commentary on Cat Country 98 & Rock 98.5 FM)

Nobody likes being told what to do, and I’m sure Randy Ambrosie is sick of it.

But it’s been on my mind for awhile; what I’d do if I was Commissioner of the Canadian Football League for a day.

Honestly, it’s nowhere near what you think. It seems like just about every CFL fan is an armchair quarterback, GM or Commish and their first order of business would be to tinker with the rules.

Not mine.

I’ve long said that if the CFL does anything well, it’s football. It’s a great product and frankly contract rules, negotiation and the CBA are all pretty sound too.

But here’s what I would do: Firstly, I’d mandate it that every single CFL player needs to make a minimum of two community appearances per season. One of those could be an in-person media interview if they choose.

I can hear it now: “But Commissioner Pedersen, that’s a violation of the CBA.”

Me: “I don’t care.”

If you’re going to play in this league, you’re going to connect with the community and the fans.

Secondly I’d find some way to claim breach of contract with TSN and tear up the current deal with the monopoly rightsholder. It’s killing the league. The CFL needs to be on all Canadian TV networks. Forget about the drive to just get it on CTV.

More networks, more exposure, more jobs, more people in Canada caring about the CFL. This is where it fell off beginning 2008.

Next, the player salary cap is a great thing and has ensured parity. But I’d scrap the coaches salary cap yesterday.

A level playing field? That’s bunk. Let’s give teams incentive to make more money and pour that into their own franchises, rather than handcuff them because the weak link teams are lazy.

There’s plenty more, but these are just off the top of my head. And if they’re to be implemented, you’d better get started now.


That’s today’s Rod Pedersen Commentary

(The Rod Pedersen Show airs daily at 12 pm ET on Game+ TV, YouTube Live and WQEE Radio)

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Uncle Nic
Uncle Nic
1 year ago

Lets first start with the canning of Ambrosie, he is a doufus. Listen to him talk in an interview is sickening with his “political” statements. Send him out the door, get Pedersen in there, maybe even Pinball.

Christopher Jones
Christopher Jones
1 year ago

The Management Salary is not working but scrapping it is not the answer… this is only on your radar because it is effecting the riders. We’ll fix it then, only management personal that are currently employed with the team count towards the cap…. Any fired coach or manager is exempt… teams need to be able to improve and cannot if the cannot pay the new guys. Or cannot fire the old guys. No other league has this type of cap and I still think it is stupid but I understand it.

Christopher Jones
Christopher Jones
1 year ago

The ratio has to go…. It’s holding this league back from providing 1st class football. This is not something that can be done in a day… the CFLPA will lose its mind over this but it has to happen… if they strike. Fire them all and start over. Baltimore was the best team in 2 years and would have had a multi year dynasty if they were allowed to stay. The Phoenix that comes from the ashes will be the best football ever.

1 year ago

As much as it turns my stomach to say it, I totally agree. I don’t care if you’re American or Canadian. I just want to see the best product on the field especially for the price they’re starting to charge to even go to CFL games. What sucks about the no Canadian Ratio because a lot of good Canadians get a shot get a shot when they normally might not, but what I don’t like and we see this more then young talent is when tired, older Canadians their career are father behind hold a roster spot and even play… Read more »

Tony Russo
Tony Russo
1 year ago
Reply to  Hugecflfan

You to balloon heads are missing the point. The reality is grassroots football from RMF to High School to Junior to U Sports is the feeder to the CFL. This is so neglected it’s embarassing. – The CFL needs to get down there to the absolutely skeleton so that little kids as soon as they come out of the womb are ingrained as future CFL’ers/Fans. What you’re talking about is Imports/Non-Imports. In front of Mosaic Stadium are statues of two guys from Pennsylvania and Mississippi – and the recent Grey Cup Champions are run by a league icon from Florida.… Read more »

1 year ago

✅ _ Totally agree with Christopher Jones, the ratio has to go. Nothing but the best will suffice when it comes to player talent.

1 year ago

Agree ambrosia getting sacked is the first step like the idea of player appearances and please some rule changes non point for a missed FG please and Thks

1 year ago
Reply to  Rich

110% agree.

1 year ago

Management salary cap a direct result of Reynolds not able to control Chris Jones. Both Reynolds AND Ambrosie have to go……..