Wednesday Commentary: Could Be Worse



(Listen daily for the RP Commentary on the All New Hits 98 CKHD & LTD Radio)


It’s Wednesday, and time for some Random Thoughts. Here we go …


#1 – Could Patrik Laine singlehandedly save the Montreal Canadiens? The enigmatic Finnish superstar recently made his Habs debut and has caught fire. Tuesday night he netted a hattrick, giving him nine goals in just seven games played, and Le Bleu, Blanc & Rouge routed the Buffalo Sabres 6-1.

Everybody thought it was “too bad” that Laine entered the NHL’s Player Assistance Program last season.

However stories like Patrik’s tell the world that #RecoveryWorks.


#2 – On the flipside, people keep expecting the Buffalo Sabres to do the right thing. Whatever that is.

Following their well-publicized players/owner meeting on Monday, the Sabres went out and got stomped 6-1 by the Habs. Their 11th straight loss.

It’s a good question why the Pegula Family – owners of the Sabres and Buffalo Bills – could have one of the best teams in the NFL, yet the worst in the NHL?

It’s been explained to me that NFL teams rally to make each other stronger, while the NHL owners line up to kick you while you’re down.

Sounds crazy, but I’ve seen it in most other leagues, and never understood it at all.

I’m reminded of the line, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

Kind of explains why the NFL is where it is; kings of the sports world.


And #3 – Cody Fajardo says he didn’t expect his time in Montreal to end this way. The 32-year old quarterback was traded from Montreal to Edmonton on Tuesday, just 14 months after leading the Alouettes to a Grey Cup win, and being named Team MVP.

I think we’ve covered the story of Fajardo’s exit enough in this space over the past several weeks! The “Rodney Dangerfield of the CFL” is going to have a helluva bunch of stories when his career is over, whenever that is.


For anybody going through crazy, tough times, it’s always best to remind yourself that … “it could be worse”.


That’s today’s Rod Pedersen Commentary.

(The Rod Pedersen Show airs daily at 12 pm & 4 pm ET on Game+TV, Podcast & YouTube Live)


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Llewellyn Moss
Llewellyn Moss
2 months ago

Scott Schultz – this guy needs a podcast or he needs to be a regular pull on guest for content. He said it best, “somebody needs to remind this guy it’s pro football”. By that extension Tre Ford got to feel appreciated for about a day after he signed his contract without looking around. When Scott Schultz quit mid season to run his insurance company that was a play right out of Ron Lancasters life hack “the day you sign your contract is the day you make plans for life after football” He got them before Plaza of Honour inductee… Read more »

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