Wednesday Commentary: Kenny Rogers Got It Right
(Listen daily for the RP Commentary on the All New Hits 98 CKHD & LTD Radio)
It’s Wednesday and time for some Random Thoughts …
#1 – Mark me down as being against the Connor McDavid three-game suspension. He’s not just any player. For those who say, “You can’t crosscheck someone in the face!”, I counter that not everyone is shadowed and harassed the way the Oilers #97 is.
Sometimes you need to take matters into your own hands. As Kenny Rogers sings, “Sometimes you have to fight to be a man.”
But the NHL doesn’t allow fighting, so you have to use your stick.
The 5-minute match penalty was sufficient.
“Ya but there were only three seconds left in the game!”
It still goes on his record.
The NHL got it wrong here.
#2 – So grateful for our Alberta viewers, fans and followers. I was on QR Calgary 770 radio Tuesday night with Jock Wilson talking, of all things, CFL.
We discussed who’s winning the off-season, coaching and player moves, who may be the next Commissioner, the ugly Loucheiz Purifoy PED suspension (since when is Adderall a Performance Enhancing Drug?), plus the NFL Conference Championship match-ups.
It pays to follow the CFL so closely, even if I haven’t worked in it for six years.
I guess, in a way, I still am.
Thanks Jock!
And #3 – Whadda they say? If you’re ever stuck for something to talk about, you can always talk about the weather?
Well what a trip this week has been across the continent. To experiencing a record low in Chicago of minus-28 Celsius, the State of Florida has shut down highways due to snowstorms up on the Panhandle.
Jock Wilson asked if the white stuff has hit where we live, down near Miami, as we arrived home Tuesday afternoon.
Thankfully, no.
Never has and I pray, never will.
That’s today’s Rod Pedersen Commentary.
(The Rod Pedersen Show airs daily at 12 pm & 4 pm ET on Game+TV, Podcast & YouTube Live)