REGINA — The Brandon Wheat Kings blewout the Regina Pats 8-4 Sunday night in the Brandt Centre to grab a 2-0 lead in their WHL Eastern Conference Quarterfinal series.

Connor Gay opened the scoring for the Pats just 1:37 into the contest but it was all Wheat Kings after that as they led 2-1 and 7-2 by periods.  Tim McGauley led the Brandon attack with two goals and an assist and was named the game’s #1 star.

Goaltending and penalty troubles did the Pats in on Sunday.  Dawson MacAuley, who allowed four goals on 10 shots in Game 1 Saturday night, played the full 60 minutes in Game 2 but allowed all eight goals on 44 Brandon shots.  The Pats afforded the Wheat Kings eight powerplay opportunities, on which they scored twice.  Regina was 0/3 when they had the extra man.

Dryden Hunt, Boston Leier and Morgan Klimchuk scored the other Pat goals, beating Wheat Kings netminder Jordan Papirny who stopped 27 of 31 Regina shots.  Brandon won the shot clock battle 44-31.  The attendance was 5014.

The series now shifts to Brandon for Games 3 and 4 on Wednesday and Friday.  620 CKRM will have the broadcast on both nights.

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10 years ago

Good luck in Brandon

10 years ago

1200 less fans tonight. They were the smart ones. Its over!

10 years ago

Get your brooms out! Hurry hard, Hurry hard!

Bill W

10 years ago

Daniel Wapple on Instagram for the 3rd period. Go figure! Real team player. Brutal. George

10 years ago

See ya next season Pats after Rider season over.

10 years ago

sveeep, sveeep, sveeep!

10 years ago

Just another loser Parker team.

10 years ago

Is anyone else ticked off that George was on Instagram during the third period and not paying attention to the game?

10 years ago

You boneheads made Brandon believe the last two games of the year!! Raiders have a better chance of knocking off edmonton than the Rats beating Brandon….
The Rock

10 years ago

Only get so far when goalie lets in 2.5 goals on every 10 shots.

10 years ago

A very disappointing display of playoff hockey. Even my son's atom team was able to come back after a 5-2 deficit and win their championship game. I wish the Pats would show that kind of heart and grit.

I refuse to say it's over because it's not. Good luck in Brandon.

10 years ago

14 Goals in 2 games?!?! Pathetic, would be nice if they actually showed up to play for the fans…this is the playoffs after all. What a joke, same old Pats I guess!

10 years ago

I just read the interview with Calvillo and accountability. To lay two eggs in front of your fan base shows a lack of accountability throughout the organization. At least the fans did their part. The team asked and the fans delivered. The same problems that plagued them all year surfaced again: no team defence, too many unforced errors, and no discipline at all. There also appears to be some size concerns. These were all things that should have been corrected and fixed prior to playoffs. They weren't and we all seen the result. The Pats brass just got schooled by… Read more »

10 years ago

You so called fans really piss me off I'm sure the players are purposely loosing so you guys can say how bad the organization is. It's been a good year but it's not over yet, give the boys a chance. We need wapple back and you'll see a different team on the ice.

10 years ago

Smoke and mirrors, folks! Beating up on the league's weak teams and losing to anyone with a better record all year didn't get the Pats' into playoff shape?!?!? Aaaaaawwww. Too bad. What? The "Coach of the Year" couldn't get them motivated? Oh, he says THAT'S NOT HIS JOB IN THE PLAYOFFS!?!?!?! And, "Exectutive of the Year"… How's the team looking next year? Losing anyone important? Hmmm. More trades. Slowly slip into mediocrity. Done and done. A prototypical Chad Lang team. Live for today and don't think about tomorrow until it's too late. At least the "Marketing Team" did their job!… Read more »

10 years ago

Is that all you got George? Cheap shots from the cheap seats where you probably have viewed life. Always a spectator never a contender.

10 years ago

I know you all are disappointed but please don't say the series is over unless you know something that I don't things can change dramatically in sports a big hit, a great save a great individual effort .home ice advantage in the playoffs is a misnomer. I know this team can do it. When the roughriders were 8 and 5 oh this team is going nowhere they can't do it Adrian can't do this and that he's not a big game quarterback. Hell I'm not saying they will come back it looks tough now, but why can't people be a… Read more »

10 years ago

How pathetic of George to be stalking Wapple on Instigram, and running to his mom's computer in an attempt to make the kid look bad in public. I'd expect that from a group of 15 year-old girls. Get a life, loser.

Robb E.

10 years ago

To the part time fan George: What is Wapple suppose to do ?? He is INJURED – Which means he can't play and help the team win. In the third period the game was over (heck it was over in the first period but that's another rant). Should Wapple of maybe started the wave for the crowd ? Held up some Go Pats Go signs ? What did you want him to do ? I am sure he was on his smart phone while watching the game in shock like the rest of us. Heck I left in the third… Read more »

season ticket holder
season ticket holder
10 years ago

Daniel Wapple is not the whole answer like people think he is. We have a bunch of players who are being intimidated by Brandon and it is a joke to watch what goes on in the corners and in front of the net.Hit somebody. When the Pats realize that you must go up and down the ice and forget to BACK CHECK that's why we are in this situation. Watching the first two games many of the Pats players were getting caught up ice while their defense was trying to move the puck up but could not as most of… Read more »