The Regina Pats are pleased to announce the 17th Annual Regina Pats Wickenheiser Golf Classic in support of Regina Palliative Care Inc.’s Caring Hearts Camp was a resounding success. 

Played Monday, June 16th at the Deer Valley Golf Course, the sold out tournament set a new record for funds raised; bringing in over $12,000 for the Caring Hearts Camp.  The event represents a strong start for the Pats new ownership, Anthony Marquart, Todd Lumbard, Gavin Semple, Shaun Semple and Jason Drummond, who were all in attendance.  Queen City Sports and Entertainment Group took over operation of the team at the beginning of June.

The Regina Pats thank the Wickenheiser Family for again partnering with the team to put on a great event and the Deer Valley Golf Course for hosting the tournament and providing meals.

The Pats also appreciate the support of sponsors for the day providing activities and prizes for golfers as well as the many who signed up to participate in the tournament.

The team thanks the alumni, past staff and current players who were a part of the tournament this year including the 2014 Champions Dyson Stevenson, Lane Scheidl, Boston Leier and Chandler Stephenson.

Below is a list of alumni, past staff and current players who golfed in this year’s Wickenheiser Classic:

Boston Leier

Dyson Stevenson

Lane Scheidl

Chandler Stephenson

Connor Gay

Mike Sillinger

Nevin Markwart

Dale Derkatch

Tony Vogel

Gord Wappel

Greg Ing

Brad Anderson

Kurt Wickenheiser

Kim MacDougall

Jamie Heward

Todd Lumbard

Jamie Heward

Jared Jagow

Garrett Mitchell

Cam McLellan

Drew Callander

Reid Pedersen

Terry Canning

Brent Parker

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10 years ago

Good to see Brent Parker was out there. Brent tried his best, and took a lot of unnecessary criticism for his efforts. He didn't fail; just wasn't as successful as he wanted to be. Brent is a good guy – he gets it…. and will always be part of the Pats Alumni ! Thank You Brent

10 years ago

I agree with the earlier post…Glad to see Mr. Parker support this event. The Pats rich tradition is built on their Alumni. Yes, the Parkers did not please everyone; however, they tried.


10 years ago

"He didn't fail; just wasn't as successful as he wanted to be." This is why today everybody gets a participation ribbon, and why people can't cope with reality. There are consequences to actions. A lot of Coaches "didn't fail; just wasn't as successful as he wanted to be.", and were provided with unemployment as a consequence. Sorry, different set up realities and facts. That tenure was a failure plain and simple. I'll also tell you this. This current regime is going to give the guys in place a fair chance. This team doesn't go deep and I mean past the… Read more »

10 years ago

I wonder if your employer allows you the same latitude.